When Does a Threat Become Domestic Violence?

When Does a Threat Become Domestic Violence?

“What is a threat?” “Can a threat be considered domestic violence, or is freedom of speech a factor?” “How do I know if I’m being threatened?” These are common questions family law attorneys get asked by clients in troublesome relationships. 

Understanding the threshold at which a threat becomes domestic violence is crucial for recognizing and addressing abusive behavior in relationships. In California, domestic violence encompasses a range of abusive actions, including threats that create a climate of fear and intimidation. It’s important to be informed about when a threat crosses the line into domestic violence and the legal protections available to those affected.

Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger addresses threats and how they relate to charges of domestic violence in California.  

What Is Domestic Violence?

The United States Department of Justice defines domestic violence as: “Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological actions or threats of actions or other patterns of coercive behavior that influence another person within an intimate partner relationship. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.”

The California Family Code defines domestic violence as abuse perpetrated against an “intimate partner” or family member. This can include spouses, former spouses, cohabitants, individuals in dating relationships, parents, and children. While physical violence often comes to mind first, domestic violence also encompasses emotional and psychological abuse, including threats of harm.

  1. Direct threats: “I’ll kill you…”
  2. Indirect threats: “You’ll be sorry…”
  3. Implied threats: “What if something happened to you…”

In the context of domestic violence, a threat can be considered abusive if it instills fear, apprehension, or intimidation in the victim. Even if the threatened harm does not materialize, the impact on the victim’s emotional well-being is considered.

Legal Domestic Violence Protections

California law offers legal remedies to address domestic violence threats. One important avenue is obtaining a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO). A DVRO is a court order that provides protection to victims of domestic violence by prohibiting the abuser from contacting or approaching the victim. It can also include other provisions, such as ordering the abuser to move out of the shared residence and to stay away from certain locations, including the victim’s workplace or children’s school.

Our office can also help you when gun violence restraining orders are necessary. Contact one of our eight California offices to learn more.

Get Help with Domestic Violence Crimes In California

When it comes to threats and domestic violence, it’s essential to take any indication of harm or intimidation seriously. If you are in immediate danger, it’s important to contact law enforcement. You should never hesitate to act when you believe you or your child are victims of domestic violence.

When you or your child experience abuse or feel threatened, that is the time to act. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger for immediate assistance with obtaining a restraining order.

Recognizing when a threat crosses the line into domestic violence is a critical step in addressing and preventing abusive behavior within relationships. Certified Family Law Specialist Judy Burger can help you be informed about legal definitions and available remedies so you can proactively protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of domestic violence threats. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, get help now.

You can also get immediate assistance by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

What Qualifies as Domestic Violence in California?

What Qualifies as Domestic Violence in California?

What acts qualify as Domestic Violence under California Law? Suffering physical, psychological, or emotional abuse is never OK. Get the facts about Domestic Violence and when you should request a domestic violence restraining order to protect you and your family. California Family Law Attorney Judy L. Burger can help you understand when you should petition the court for a restraining order.

You can also get immediate assistance by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Defining Domestic Violence

The United States Department of Justice defines domestic violence as: “Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological actions or threats of actions or other patterns of coercive behavior that influence another person within an intimate partner relationship. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.”

Domestic violence, according to California law, encompasses any type of abuse inflicted upon an “intimate partner.” This includes the deliberate or careless application of physical force against the individual or the act of threatening to use force against them.

The California Penal Code defines an “intimate partner” in the broadest possible way, so that can include:

  • Your spouse
  • Your former spouse
  • Your domestic partner
  • Your former domestic partner
  • A person with whom you’ve had a child
  • A current live-in romantic partner
  • A former live-in romantic partner
  • Someone you date
  • A person you dated previously

Other persons may also be victims of domestic violence under CA law:

  • Children
  • Your brother/half-brother/step-brother
  • Your sister/half-sister/step-sister
  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Your niece
  • Your nephew
  • Your uncle
  • Your aunt
  • Anyone related to you within the second degree by blood or marriage

Judy L. Burger is a Certified Family Law Specialist who can be a strong and aggressive advocate in highly conflicted domestic matters when you need the law on your side. Contact us for immediate help.

Common Acts of Domestic Violence

Charges of domestic violence vary under California law, depending on the severity of the crime and the surrounding circumstances. Many violent acts are specifically defined under the Penal Code. Some of the most common include:

  • Corporal Injury Upon a Spouse or Cohabitant – this counts even for slight injuries.
  • Child Abuse – is defined as inflicting “cruel or inhuman corporal punishment or an injury resulting in a traumatic condition” upon a child. 
  • Domestic Battery – using force or inflicting harm on an intimate partner.
  • Child Endangerment – willfully allowing a child in your care to be harmed or allowing her or his safety to be endangered, including actions or neglect.
  • Child Neglect – this is willfully neglecting to provide the basic necessities for your minor children.
  • Stalking – harassing or threatening so as to cause fear for your or your family’s safety.
  • Criminal Threats – threatening anyone with serious harm.
  • Aggravated Trespass – entering a home or workplace to carry out a threat within thirty days of making it.
  • Posting Harmful Information on the Internet (“Cyberstalking”) – making harmful information about someone else available by posting or emailing the material.
  • “Revenge Porn” – intentional distribution of sexual images of another person with the intent to cause them emotional distress.

Domestic Violence Penalties In California

In California, most domestic violence offenses are known as “wobbler” offenses, which means they can be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the specifics of the case. Factors such as prior criminal record and the extent of the victim’s injuries are considered when determining whether to pursue misdemeanor or felony charges for an act of domestic violence.

Penalties range from probation with certain freedoms to fines, county jail, or state prison time. Domestic violence misdemeanor convictions also impose a ten-year ban on owning or possessing firearms. Persons convicted of felony domestic violence charges fall under the “Felon In Possession of a Firearm” law and are under a lifetime ban from owning firearms.

Some federal domestic violence misdemeanors also impart a lifetime firearm ownership ban.

Get Help with Domestic Violence Crimes In California

You should never hesitate to act when you believe you or your child are victims of domestic violence. Do not wonder how long you must suffer – when you or your child experience abuse or feel threatened, that is the time to act. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger for immediate assistance with obtaining a restraining order.

You can also get immediate assistance by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Domestic Violence and Parenting Plan Modifications

Domestic Violence and Parenting Plan Modifications

Parenting plans are created to meet the unique needs of a divorced or separated family. When domestic violence has been present, your parenting plan needs to provide safety for you and your children. California Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger helps families when domestic violence makes parenting plan modifications necessary.

What Is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan is a comprehensive set of agreements for how separated or divorced parents will care for their children. It includes many factors, including:

  • Custody agreements
  • Visitation schedules
  • Sharing costs for the child’s care
  • Arrangements for holidays and school breaks
  • Exchange arrangements
  • Phone and video contact with the children
  • Communication between parents
  • Authority for making decisions for the child
  • Religious matters
  • More…

No two parenting plans are the same due to differing schedules, needs, locations, and many other factors. The factors above and many more should contain elements that keep you and your child safe when there has been domestic violence.

Creating a Parenting Plan

Often, parents work together to create a workable parenting plan to care for their children. The court will review this plan, determine if it needs legal requirements, serve the child’s best interests, and approve it. However, in cases of domestic violence, this may not be possible or safe. You may need a legal representative to act on your behalf to create or modify an existing parenting plan to help you and your child stay safe.

Your attorney will need to provide credible evidence of domestic violence and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is likely to continue. Then, a judge will be far more likely to agree to a parenting plan or modifications to an existing plan that contains elements to prevent future harassment or abuse.

Family Law Attorney Judy Burger is an effective negotiator if you feel threatened or fear mistakes in an agreement could place you or your child in jeopardy. She has a wealth of experience in working out parenting plans and custody agreements in difficult situations. In some cases, the judge will ultimately decide the best agreement. This is particularly true in cases of substance abuse, domestic violence, mental illness, or incarceration.

Domestic Violence and Parenting Plan Modifications

Sadly, domestic violence does not cease after separation or a divorce. In fact, the separation may only antagonize the other party and cause conflict to escalate. Your parenting plan needs to include specific provisions to prevent contact wherever possible. Vague or unclear parenting plans open the door for more abuse or harassment.

A CA Domestic Violence Attorney like Judy Burger has the knowledge and experience to include certain specific elements in a modified parenting plan to prevent contact, communication, and unsafe situations. Some measures she may recommend can include:

  • Keeping your living arrangements private and secure
  • Having a neutral third party exchange the child between parents
  • Exchanging the children in a public place in full view of security cameras or guards
  • Restricting communication between parents and children (prohibiting video calls so the other parent cannot see into your home)
  • Using an app for all communications so there is documentation
  • Keeping travel plans and daily activities private
  • Sole legal custody

The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger knows how to gather evidence to help convince the court that your proposed parenting plan modification is in your and your child’s best interests. She can represent you before the court, handle communications and negotiations, and otherwise help you remain safe during the proceedings. Our office can also help you when domestic violence or gun violence restraining orders are necessary.

Keep Your Family Safe from Domestic Violence

Domestic violence survivors may fear discussing custody and parenting plan modifications with the other parent. Relationships can be difficult, and meeting in person may not be safe. Reaching a safe agreement with the other parent may not be possible, especially without help. Keep yourself and your family safe from domestic violence. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger in California for experienced help with parenting plan modifications.

How Does a Finding of Domestic Violence of a Parent Affect Child Custody Orders?

How Does a Finding of Domestic Violence of a Parent Affect Child Custody Orders?

Nothing affects children like domestic violence. Recognizing this, California courts are empowered to deal harshly with the custody and visitation rights of those found to have committed domestic violence. Before a parent’s rights may be impacted, however, certain requirements must be met.

Domestic violence is defined to include causing or attempting to cause bodily injury or sexual assault, placing someone “in reasonable apprehension of imminent serious bodily injury to that person or another,” as well as “threatening, striking, harassing, destroying personal property or disturbing the peace of another.” Domestic violence is not limited to physical conduct but includes oral or written conduct that otherwise fits the definition of the law.

The first requirement of the law is that there must be a court finding of domestic violence in the last five years. This requirement can be met in two ways:

  • The person has been convicted of domestic violence or abuse, as defined in specific California laws; or
  • Any court has made a finding that the person committed domestic violence.
The requisite finding cannot be based solely on either a child custody evaluator’s conclusions or a Family Court Services staff member’s recommendation. Rather, the court must consider “any relevant, admissible evidence submitted by the parties” in making its finding.

After the first requirement is met, “there is a rebuttable presumption that an award of . . . custody [to that person] . . . is detrimental to the best interest of the child.” This means that the parent who committed domestic violence has an extra heavy burden before custody of any type may be awarded to him. The law directs that the court must consider several factors in determining whether this burden is met:

Whether the parent against whom the finding was met has showed that it is in the child’s best interest for him to receive some form of custody;

  • Whether the perpetrator completed any court-ordered batterer’s treatment program, alcohol or drug abuse counseling, or parenting class;
  • Whether the perpetrator has complied with the terms of his probation or parole, if applicable;
  • Whether the perpetrator’s conduct is governed by a protective or restraining order and, if so, whether he has complied with its terms; and
  • Whether the perpetrator has committed further acts of domestic violence.
The health and well-being of your children are of paramount importance to the State of California. If domestic violence is an issue in your family, you need an attorney to fight for you and your children. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Judy L. Burger have extensive experience in divorce, child custody, and child support matters. Make the call today to learn how our attorneys can protect you and your children: (415) 293-8314.