Is 50/50 the Best Custody Option for my Kids?

Is 50/50 the Best Custody Option for my Kids?

When parents divorce, one of the most important decisions they will make is how they will share physical custody of their kids. In some cases, parents may want to divide their time equally or “50/50.” This may seem like an equitable and logical choice. However, if you are considering this type of arrangement, you will want to know: Is 50/50 the best custody option for my kids? Continue reading

What do You do When You Think Your Ex is Hiding Divorce Assets?

What do You do When You Think Your Ex is Hiding Divorce Assets?

During your California divorce, you and your ex will be required to identify and disclose certain financial information to one another. Ideally, everyone will follow the rules and be honest about their assets. However, there can be situations when a party is not being financially forthcoming. If you are going through a California divorce and believe your former spouse has secret property, you need to ask: What do you do when you think your ex is hiding divorce assets? Continue reading

What is a Collaborative Divorce, and is it Right for Me?

What is a Collaborative Divorce, and is it Right for Me?

When a marriage is ending in divorce, couples have a choice about how to proceed with their case. Sometimes, divorcing parties will want to end their marital relationship with as little conflict as possible. One option for couples in this situation is to have a Collaborative Divorce. If you have never considered or heard of this divorce model, you may be wondering: What is a Collaborative Divorce, and is it right for me? Continue reading