During divorce, parents have to quickly adapt from being part of the same family to co-parenting. Before, you made choices and spent time with your kids as a couple. Now, you will co-parent according to a court order. Co-parenting after divorce can be challenging even under the best of circumstances. If you and your ex disagree, sharing responsibilities and time with your kids could provide more opportunities for conflict. The good news is that there are ways to manage co-parenting with your former spouse even when you don’t like one another. Here is more on how to co-parent when you don’t get along with your ex. Continue reading →
When you are unhappy in your marriage, figuring out if it’s time to move on can be difficult. On some level, you may already know that the relationship is not working. However, you want to be sure you are ready to divorce before initiating a case. You are the only person who will know for sure whether it’s time to leave your relationship. However, there can be indications that you are prepared to move forward. Here are 5 signs you may be ready for divorce: Continue reading →
Having a marriage end in divorce is hard under most circumstances. However, when the reason for the divorce is infidelity, what was already painful can be devastating. Processing your ex’s betrayal can be difficult, especially in the midst of your divorce case. However, it’s important to consider how their extramarital conduct may affect your case outcomes. Therefore, you need to know: How will my ex’s affair impact my divorce? Continue reading →
During divorce, everything you thought you knew about your relationship with your ex will change. Before, you were a couple planning for a future together. Now, you are legal adversaries preparing to live separate lives. It may be that you both started out agreeing to settle your case amicably. However, if your ex hires a divorce lawyer and you don’t have one, the process can suddenly seem less cooperative. In this situation, you may think: My ex has a divorce attorney. Do I need one for my California divorce? Continue reading →
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