Category Archives: Mediation

Domestic Violence and Parenting Plan Modifications

Domestic Violence and Parenting Plan Modifications

Parenting plans are created to meet the unique needs of a divorced or separated family. When domestic violence has been present, your parenting plan needs to provide safety for you and your children. California Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger helps families when domestic violence makes parenting plan modifications necessary.

What Is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan is a comprehensive set of agreements for how separated or divorced parents will care for their children. It includes many factors, including:

  • Custody agreements
  • Visitation schedules
  • Sharing costs for the child’s care
  • Arrangements for holidays and school breaks
  • Exchange arrangements
  • Phone and video contact with the children
  • Communication between parents
  • Authority for making decisions for the child
  • Religious matters
  • More…

No two parenting plans are the same due to differing schedules, needs, locations, and many other factors. The factors above and many more should contain elements that keep you and your child safe when there has been domestic violence.

Creating a Parenting Plan

Often, parents work together to create a workable parenting plan to care for their children. The court will review this plan, determine if it needs legal requirements, serve the child’s best interests, and approve it. However, in cases of domestic violence, this may not be possible or safe. You may need a legal representative to act on your behalf to create or modify an existing parenting plan to help you and your child stay safe.

Your attorney will need to provide credible evidence of domestic violence and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is likely to continue. Then, a judge will be far more likely to agree to a parenting plan or modifications to an existing plan that contains elements to prevent future harassment or abuse.

Family Law Attorney Judy Burger is an effective negotiator if you feel threatened or fear mistakes in an agreement could place you or your child in jeopardy. She has a wealth of experience in working out parenting plans and custody agreements in difficult situations. In some cases, the judge will ultimately decide the best agreement. This is particularly true in cases of substance abuse, domestic violence, mental illness, or incarceration.

Domestic Violence and Parenting Plan Modifications

Sadly, domestic violence does not cease after separation or a divorce. In fact, the separation may only antagonize the other party and cause conflict to escalate. Your parenting plan needs to include specific provisions to prevent contact wherever possible. Vague or unclear parenting plans open the door for more abuse or harassment.

A CA Domestic Violence Attorney like Judy Burger has the knowledge and experience to include certain specific elements in a modified parenting plan to prevent contact, communication, and unsafe situations. Some measures she may recommend can include:

  • Keeping your living arrangements private and secure
  • Having a neutral third party exchange the child between parents
  • Exchanging the children in a public place in full view of security cameras or guards
  • Restricting communication between parents and children (prohibiting video calls so the other parent cannot see into your home)
  • Using an app for all communications so there is documentation
  • Keeping travel plans and daily activities private
  • Sole legal custody

The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger knows how to gather evidence to help convince the court that your proposed parenting plan modification is in your and your child’s best interests. She can represent you before the court, handle communications and negotiations, and otherwise help you remain safe during the proceedings. Our office can also help you when domestic violence or gun violence restraining orders are necessary.

Keep Your Family Safe from Domestic Violence

Domestic violence survivors may fear discussing custody and parenting plan modifications with the other parent. Relationships can be difficult, and meeting in person may not be safe. Reaching a safe agreement with the other parent may not be possible, especially without help. Keep yourself and your family safe from domestic violence. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger in California for experienced help with parenting plan modifications.

What Makes a CA Certified Family Law Specialist Different?

What Makes a CA Certified Family Law Specialist Different?

Family law matters are often intensely personal and highly emotional. Dealing with families and relationships is always complex and much is at stake for everyone involved. You want more than an attorney when family law issues arise – you want a specialist. California Family Law Attorney Judy L. Burger is a Certified Family Law Specialist who is able to handle complex personal cases through court petitions, negotiation, and litigation.

What makes a CA Certified Family Law Specialist different from run-of-the-mill family law and divorce lawyers?

A High Level of Specialization

Obtaining a law degree and passing the California State Bar exam to practice law is only the beginning. Certified specialists in any area of law must pass a rigorous set or requirements to demonstrate their exceptional knowledge, experience, and proficiency. Only after completing this extensive process does the state bar award the attorney a specialist certificate.

To become a Certified Family Law Specialist in CA, attorneys must satisfy the following prerequisites

  1. Pass a written examination
  2. Continuously practice law in their specialty area for at least five years
  3. Complete continuing education in their specialty area
  4. Receive favorable evaluations by other attorneys and judges
  5. Demonstrate experience in a variety of family law matters, including divorce, child custody, child and spousal support, domestic violence restraining orders, property division, and more.

Becoming a certified family law specialist takes time, experience, and extensive knowledge.

Superior Experience in Family Law Cases

Certified Family Law Specialists must continue to demonstrate their expertise by handling complex family law cases to further broaden their knowledge and experience. Recertification every five years requires more continuing education while putting this extensive knowledge into action helping California families.

A CFLS will have considerable experience with:

  • Messy divorces
  • Complex business valuations
  • Sophisticated property divisions
  • Tense negotiations
  • Filing petitions with the court
  • Advising clients
  • Litigating difficult child custody and support cases
  • Ex parte hearings
  • Domestic violence
  • More…

Seasoned representation by a Certified Family Law Specialist like Judy Burger means the putting encyclopedic knowledge, extensive education, years of real-world experience, and measured expertise in your corner. She is vastly more qualified to help you get the results you need and want than other non-certified family law attorneys.

Why Should I Choose a Certified Family Law Specialist Instead of a Family Law Attorney?

Family law matters can be rough on you mentally and emotionally. The possible complexities and problems are legion and specific to every case. However, a CFLS has likely encountered similar cases before and has experience helping families find solutions. If you anticipate a difficult road ahead in your divorce, child custody, support, or related matters, choose a CFLS like Judy L. Burger.

Here are some examples of cases where we recommend a Certified Family Law Specialist:

  • Both parties have agreed to a divorce, but that’s all you agree on.
  • You have differences of opinion about matters like college debt, large real estate holdings, retirement funds, and other asset divisions.
  • You have small children still at home and cannot agree on a custody and support arrangement.
  • Both parties grew up in different cultures, so family rights and extended family concerns are involved.
  • Both parties jointly own a business.
  • One or both divorcing parties are active duty military.
  • You or your child’s safety is threatened.
  • You or your child are victims of abuse.

CFLS Judy Burger has trained for just these and many other situations so she knows how to help you. In fact, she’s been there with other families before. She can guide you through negotiations, difficult conversations, far-reaching decisions, and even embattled litigation with compassion and fortitude.

When you need stable counsel and steady legal representation through one of the most difficult times of your life, you need the services of a Certified Family Law Specialist. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger as soon as possible to discuss your case and next steps. We have offices throughout California for your convenience.

What Happens If One Party Wants to Keep the Family Residence?

What Happens If One Party Wants to Keep the Family Residence?

Separation and divorce present numerous challenges to both parties. One of the most complex and emotional issues is dividing property. When both spouses have an attachment to the family home, this debate can become heated and fractional. What if one party wants to keep the family residence after a divorce? Or what if both parties wish to keep it and live in it?

California Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger is well-experienced in Property Division matters relating to divorce. She can work with various specialists to determine the best course of action and your legal rights. Her team can also represent you in property division hearings and other divorce proceedings in the Family Courts when a family residence is in question.

California Property Division Law

California law follows the doctrine of community property in that any debts or assets owned by a married couple are jointly owned (community property). Therefore, each spouse has an equal interest. In a divorce, community property should then be divided 50/50 between the spouses. However, the family home may or may not be considered community property under state law.

The home may be considered community property if:

  • The home was purchased with earnings from both spouses.
  • Both spouses obtained a mortgage for the home while married.
  • Both spouses contributed earnings to pay the mortgage and/or upkeep of the home.

The family residence may be considered separate property if:

  • One spouse already owned the home before marriage.
  • The home was gifted to one spouse before or during the marriage.
  • Only one spouse provided for the mortgage or upkeep of the home.

However, separate and community property can easily become commingled in a marriage. Over time, a married couple can acquire a community interest in the home through numerous actions and investments.

Conversely, other parties can acquire an interest in the home as well. Any mortgage lender you owe will hold an interest. If you jointly own the home with a third party, such as a family home passed down to one spouse but in another person’s name, this person has an interest and legal rights. You may have also used your home as collateral for a business loan. If so, the business in question may have an interest and rights as well.

So, Who Gets the House?

The question of who gets the family residence in a divorce is never simple. As you see above, numerous factors and scenarios can come into play. Separated or divorcing spouses have some options for settling the question:

  • Agreeing on Separate Property: The couple agrees that the home is the separate property of one spouse. This must be verified by a court order to become official.
  • Negotiating a Living Agreement: The couple can agree on who maintains ownership and lives in the house. However, any joint agreement you reach must be ordered by the court to make it official.
  • Spousal Buyout: One spouse agrees to buy out the community property interest of the other spouse. An independent appraisal is necessary and the court must agree to this arrangement.

If the couple cannot agree, the Family Court will turn to California’s property division laws to make orders. In the case of separate property, the home belongs to the spouse who owns it. When the home is declared community property, the court may order the following solutions:

  • Sell the Home: The family home is sold and the proceeds are divided equally among the parties holding an interest or according to the courts division (if any separate property interest is determined).
  • Buyout: One spouse is allowed to purchase the other’s community property interest and becomes the sole owner of the home.
  • Deferred Sale: If a couple has minor children at home, the couple may remain joint owners but allow the custodial parent to live in the home with the children. This can often make a divorce easier on younger children. After a specified time, the home is sold and the proceeds are divided.

Get Seasoned Representation for CA Property Division

Numerous factors can arise in any property division during a divorce, so you need seasoned legal representation and counsel to protect your interests. Family Law Attorney Judy L. Burger is a skilled negotiator and vigorous defender of your rights. She has the knowledge and experience in family law to handle difficult or complex property settlements on your behalf.

Contact one of our offices throughout California today to get help with difficult property division questions in a divorce.