When you file for or are served with a divorce, it can immediately impact your daily life, including your living situation. Once your case begins, you and your ex may decide that you no longer want to live together. While living apart during divorce can provide each person with the physical space they need, it can also raise certain practical issues that will need to be addressed. Having temporary orders in place while your divorce case is pending can help clarify each person’s responsibilities and minimize conflict. The good news is that it’s possible to get temporary orders during your divorce. However, temporary order issues can be just as complex as those raised during divorce. Therefore, it’s important to understand temporary orders and how they may operate during your California divorce case. Continue reading →
When we think of alimony (a/k/a spousal support), we usually think of this scenario: the husband is ordered to make monthly payments to his ex-wife for a number of years. But courts do not make spousal support rulings based on the gender of either the payer or the receiver. Continue reading →
Are divorce rates rising again? This is not necessarily an easy question to answer. For example, two articles posted by the New York Times proposed opposite viewpoints on the matter just a few short months apart. Continue reading →
Amelia had been considering leaving her husband for some time. But when it came to actually filing for divorce, she had no idea where to start. Deciding to divorce your spouse is usually a difficult decision. You have to consider a number of different factors – from where to live to how you can go about the business of legally terminating your marriage. Her friends told her one thing; her family told her something totally different. Finally, Amelia decided to ask a California divorce lawyer for guidance based on California family law. Continue reading →
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