
Is It Time for a New Parenting Plan? custody and visitation

Is It Time for a New Parenting Plan?

Divorce is often painful and difficult, but parents don’t want to transmit this anguish to their children. Child custody and visitation agreements hammered out in your parenting plan and approved by the court are designed to protect your children and provide what is best for them. However, circumstances can change and require modifications. Is it time for a new parenting plan? Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger examines when you should consider making some changes.

What Is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan outlines how parents will share the responsibilities of raising their children after a divorce or separation. It typically includes details on how much time the children will spend with each parent, how major decisions about the children’s upbringing will be made, and how conflicts or disagreements between the parents will be resolved. The parenting plan is filed with the court and becomes a legally binding agreement.

Reasons to Change Child Custody and Visitation in Your Parenting Plan

Life happens to everyone and adjustments are part of it. Sometimes this means a new patenting plan must be figured out to address new needs, changes, or demands. Here are five signs that it’s time to change your joint parenting plan.

Changes in Your Child’s Needs

Children’s needs change as they age. This could be going to a new school, taking on new extracurricular activities or hobbies, medical needs or health changes, and more. The possibilities are endless and every parent knows that you have to adjust to these new realities. Your parenting plan may need revisions to reflect these new changes and how each parent will accommodate them.

Changes in Your Work or Living Situation

Adults face changes throughout life, too. You or your ex-spouse could move, start a new job, go to college, or start new activities that require adjustments in child custody, support, or visitation arrangements. A CA Family Law Attorney like Judy Burger can help you negotiate the new changes and get them approved by the court.

Changes in a Parent’s Situation

Changes in the other parent’s living situation will also require you to make adjustments. For example, if your ex-spouse remarries, has additional children, moves, or starts a new job in another city, this will impact how you care for your child and meet their needs. These changes can be difficult at times, but a family law specialist knows how to help you make satisfactory changes and keep your own life on track.

Conflict or Tension Between Parents

Co-parents who now lead different lives but share a child and parenting responsibilities can experience conflict or tension. Sometimes your parenting plan must change to improve communication or reduce the stresses on your children. For example, trusted third parties may need to pick up and drop off children to prevent parental conflicts.

Concerns About Your Child’s Safety

Your child’s safety and well-being are your primary concerns. Any threats or concerns about their physical, mental, or emotional stability demand immediate changes to your parenting plan. California Family Lawyer Judy Burger can work with you to modify custody arrangements and visitation plans to address specific concerns. She can also help you obtain ex-parte “emergency” hearings and domestic violence restraining orders if necessary.

Get Help with Child Custody and Visitation Arrangements in Your CA Parenting Plan

Attorney Judy L. Burger is a Certified Family Law Specialist in California with extensive experience in child custody, visitation, support, and related issues. She can help you work out details of a new parenting plan that reflects recent changes in your parenting situation and file it with the court. Contact one of her eight offices across California to schedule a consultation.