My Spouse is Dating During Divorce: Does it Matter?

My Spouse is Dating During Divorce: Does it Matter?

Going from being married to becoming legal adversaries during divorce can be overwhelming. Seemingly overnight, the relationship and the future you planned to have with your ex will disappear and be replaced with a strange and uncomfortable dynamic. During the process, your ex may decide to start seeing someone. In this situation, you may wonder: My spouse is dating during divorce: Does it matter? Continue reading

California Assembly Passes Piqui’s Law

California Assembly Passes Piqui’s Law

In June 2022, California state Sen. Susan Rubio introduced a bill that would require training for judges on domestic violence and child abuse. In August, the bill, known as Piqui’s law, was passed by the state State Assembly in a unanimous, bipartisan vote. However, in September, Sen. Rubio rescinded the bill in the face of strong opposition from the Judicial Council of California. Here is more on the domestic violence and child abuse law that may be back in the near future. Continue reading