Collecting Money Owed to You from a Family Law Judgment

MoneyIf a former spouse or partner owes you money based on a judgment in a family law case, it is important for you to know that in California the collection of money from a family law judgment is the responsibility of the person to whom the money is owed. In other words, if you don’t take steps to enforce payment, the court won’t do it for you. You can begin collecting as soon as a money judgment is entered. Filing an appeal or a bankruptcy petition will not release the payer from the responsibility to pay judgments related to family support. If the responsible party fails to pay you on or before the court-ordered deadline, you should take steps to seek payment. Statistically, the longer a debt is owed, the harder it is to collect. Don’t waste precious time wondering whether you should do anything. If a court ordered your former spouse or partner to pay, then he or she should be required to do so. Most importantly you should contact an aggressive and caring family law attorney. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can get started on a plan to collect the money you are owed. Judy L. Burger is known for her aggressive representation of clients in high conflict cases in and around the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento areas.  If you are having difficulty collecting a family law judgment, call us today to learn more about how we can help.  Call (415)293-8314 in the San Francisco Bay area or (916)631-1935 in the Sacramento area, or contact us online via our confidential inquiry form.