When Does a Threat Become Domestic Violence?

When Does a Threat Become Domestic Violence?

“What is a threat?” “Can a threat be considered domestic violence, or is freedom of speech a factor?” “How do I know if I’m being threatened?” These are common questions family law attorneys get asked by clients in troublesome relationships. 

Understanding the threshold at which a threat becomes domestic violence is crucial for recognizing and addressing abusive behavior in relationships. In California, domestic violence encompasses a range of abusive actions, including threats that create a climate of fear and intimidation. It’s important to be informed about when a threat crosses the line into domestic violence and the legal protections available to those affected.

Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger addresses threats and how they relate to charges of domestic violence in California.  

What Is Domestic Violence?

The United States Department of Justice defines domestic violence as: “Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological actions or threats of actions or other patterns of coercive behavior that influence another person within an intimate partner relationship. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.”

The California Family Code defines domestic violence as abuse perpetrated against an “intimate partner” or family member. This can include spouses, former spouses, cohabitants, individuals in dating relationships, parents, and children. While physical violence often comes to mind first, domestic violence also encompasses emotional and psychological abuse, including threats of harm.

  1. Direct threats: “I’ll kill you…”
  2. Indirect threats: “You’ll be sorry…”
  3. Implied threats: “What if something happened to you…”

In the context of domestic violence, a threat can be considered abusive if it instills fear, apprehension, or intimidation in the victim. Even if the threatened harm does not materialize, the impact on the victim’s emotional well-being is considered.

Legal Domestic Violence Protections

California law offers legal remedies to address domestic violence threats. One important avenue is obtaining a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO). A DVRO is a court order that provides protection to victims of domestic violence by prohibiting the abuser from contacting or approaching the victim. It can also include other provisions, such as ordering the abuser to move out of the shared residence and to stay away from certain locations, including the victim’s workplace or children’s school.

Our office can also help you when gun violence restraining orders are necessary. Contact one of our eight California offices to learn more.

Get Help with Domestic Violence Crimes In California

When it comes to threats and domestic violence, it’s essential to take any indication of harm or intimidation seriously. If you are in immediate danger, it’s important to contact law enforcement. You should never hesitate to act when you believe you or your child are victims of domestic violence.

When you or your child experience abuse or feel threatened, that is the time to act. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger for immediate assistance with obtaining a restraining order.

Recognizing when a threat crosses the line into domestic violence is a critical step in addressing and preventing abusive behavior within relationships. Certified Family Law Specialist Judy Burger can help you be informed about legal definitions and available remedies so you can proactively protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of domestic violence threats. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, get help now.

You can also get immediate assistance by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Exploring Inheritances and Community Property Rules in a CA Divorce

Exploring Inheritances and Community Property Rules in a CA Divorce

Navigating the complexities of community property and inheritances in a California divorce can be challenging. Understanding how these assets are treated under California law is crucial for anyone going through a divorce involving inheritances and community property.

Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger explains how community property rules affect inheritances in a California divorce.

Community Property

California is one of the few community property states in the United States. In community property states, most assets and debts acquired during the marriage are considered community property, belonging equally to both spouses, regardless of who acquired them.

Community property includes income earned during the marriage, real estate purchased during the marriage, other assets acquired, and debts incurred by either spouse during the marriage. In the event of a divorce, community property is typically divided equally between the spouses, although there can be exceptions based on specific circumstances.

Inheritances and Separate Property

Inheritances and gifts received by one spouse are considered separate property in California. This means that if one spouse receives an inheritance or gift during the marriage, it is generally not considered community property and belongs solely to the recipient.

However, commingling separate property with community property can complicate matters. For example, if an inheritance is deposited into a joint bank account or used to purchase a marital home, it could lose its status as separate property and become subject to division as community property.

Transmutation is the process by which separate property becomes marital or community property. This can occur when separate property is mixed with community property or when both spouses agree to treat certain separate property as community property. Transmutation can also happen through a written agreement signed by both spouses.

How Can You Protect An Inheritance?

It’s crucial to ensure that an inheritance remains distinct from marital assets to safeguard it from being considered communal property. This may require placing the inheritance in a separate account, refraining from mixing it with communal assets, and maintaining thorough records of the inheritance and its utilization. Another way to protect an inheritance given to one spouse is to place it into a trust.

Individuals can also consider signing a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement to safeguard inheritances from property division during a divorce. These legal agreements provide clear guidelines for property division and outline how inheritances will be handled in the event of a divorce. By defining the property statuses and the rights and responsibilities of each spouse, these agreements can protect inheritance rights.

The court may exercise its own discretion in cases involving fairness and equitable distribution. Even if an inheritance is considered separate property, the court has the power to modify the allocation of assets to ensure a just outcome. This may involve assigning a more significant share of other marital assets to the spouse who did not inherit to achieve a balanced division of property.

Seek Legal Guidance from an Experienced CA Property Division Attorney

Given the complexities of inheritances and community property rules in California, seeking guidance is advisable. Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger is experienced in handling complex divorce and property division cases. She can provide valuable insight into how to protect separate property, navigate the division of assets, and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the divorce process.

Understanding the treatment of inheritances and community property under California law is crucial for individuals going through a divorce. Get informed and seek legal counsel to protect your separate property. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger in California to get seasoned help navigating the complexities of divorce involving inheritances and community property.


What Happens If One Party Wants to Keep the Family Residence?

What Happens If One Party Wants to Keep the Family Residence?

Separation and divorce present numerous challenges to both parties. One of the most complex and emotional issues is dividing property. When both spouses have an attachment to the family home, this debate can become heated and fractional. What if one party wants to keep the family residence after a divorce? Or what if both parties wish to keep it and live in it?

California Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger is well-experienced in Property Division matters relating to divorce. She can work with various specialists to determine the best course of action and your legal rights. Her team can also represent you in property division hearings and other divorce proceedings in the Family Courts when a family residence is in question.

California Property Division Law

California law follows the doctrine of community property in that any debts or assets owned by a married couple are jointly owned (community property). Therefore, each spouse has an equal interest. In a divorce, community property should then be divided 50/50 between the spouses. However, the family home may or may not be considered community property under state law.

The home may be considered community property if:

  • The home was purchased with earnings from both spouses.
  • Both spouses obtained a mortgage for the home while married.
  • Both spouses contributed earnings to pay the mortgage and/or upkeep of the home.

The family residence may be considered separate property if:

  • One spouse already owned the home before marriage.
  • The home was gifted to one spouse before or during the marriage.
  • Only one spouse provided for the mortgage or upkeep of the home.

However, separate and community property can easily become commingled in a marriage. Over time, a married couple can acquire a community interest in the home through numerous actions and investments.

Conversely, other parties can acquire an interest in the home as well. Any mortgage lender you owe will hold an interest. If you jointly own the home with a third party, such as a family home passed down to one spouse but in another person’s name, this person has an interest and legal rights. You may have also used your home as collateral for a business loan. If so, the business in question may have an interest and rights as well.

So, Who Gets the House?

The question of who gets the family residence in a divorce is never simple. As you see above, numerous factors and scenarios can come into play. Separated or divorcing spouses have some options for settling the question:

  • Agreeing on Separate Property: The couple agrees that the home is the separate property of one spouse. This must be verified by a court order to become official.
  • Negotiating a Living Agreement: The couple can agree on who maintains ownership and lives in the house. However, any joint agreement you reach must be ordered by the court to make it official.
  • Spousal Buyout: One spouse agrees to buy out the community property interest of the other spouse. An independent appraisal is necessary and the court must agree to this arrangement.

If the couple cannot agree, the Family Court will turn to California’s property division laws to make orders. In the case of separate property, the home belongs to the spouse who owns it. When the home is declared community property, the court may order the following solutions:

  • Sell the Home: The family home is sold and the proceeds are divided equally among the parties holding an interest or according to the courts division (if any separate property interest is determined).
  • Buyout: One spouse is allowed to purchase the other’s community property interest and becomes the sole owner of the home.
  • Deferred Sale: If a couple has minor children at home, the couple may remain joint owners but allow the custodial parent to live in the home with the children. This can often make a divorce easier on younger children. After a specified time, the home is sold and the proceeds are divided.

Get Seasoned Representation for CA Property Division

Numerous factors can arise in any property division during a divorce, so you need seasoned legal representation and counsel to protect your interests. Family Law Attorney Judy L. Burger is a skilled negotiator and vigorous defender of your rights. She has the knowledge and experience in family law to handle difficult or complex property settlements on your behalf.

Contact one of our offices throughout California today to get help with difficult property division questions in a divorce.

5 Ways You Can Help Your Kids During Divorce

5 Ways You Can Help Your Kids During Divorce

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