All posts by Judy Burger

Parenting During a Pandemic The COVID-19 Impact on Custody and Visitation

Parenting During a Pandemic: The COVID-19 Impact on Custody and Visitation

Parenting after a divorce means setting up custody and visitation arrangements. At the end of the divorce, a judge signs off on a parenting plan that includes a visitation schedule and states what type of custody the parents have. For example, Darlene wanted her children to see their dad, Max, as often as possible. However, Max works in a hospital that cares for COVID-19 patients. Darlene has valid concerns about whether to allow the kids to visit Max. This is especially true for their youngest son, Dax, whose severe asthma puts him in the high-risk category for COVID-19 complications. As Darlene and Max struggle to work out their new lives, they face unique situations and uncharted waters. Continue reading

How to Value a Professional Practice

How to Value a Professional Practice

Over the years, Jack and Alicia both contributed to the success of Jack’s CPA firm. When they decided to divorce, the CPA practice became a point of contention in an already contentious situation. Just how much of the firm was Alicia entitled to receive in the divorce settlement? To figure this out, Jack, Alicia, and their attorneys needed to know how to value a professional practice.
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What You Need to Know About Financial Disclosures and Divorce

What You Need to Know About Financial Disclosures and Divorce

Most divorces consist of several moving parts. Couples may have to deal with property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. It’s the ‘money’ part of divorce that trips some people up. How much money does one spouse have to give the other for child support? Will one spouse have to pay spousal support to the other and, if so, how much? There’s one document produced during the divorce process that helps couples and their divorce lawyers work out those details: financial disclosures.
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Summary Dissolution of a Domestic Partnership

Summary Dissolution of a Domestic Partnership

As Drake and Dwight’s relationship grew stronger, they decided to register their domestic partnership with the California Secretary of State’s office. However, they then separated four years later. They didn’t know whether you could formally dissolve a domestic partnership but soon learned that divorce is possible. In fact, there are several forms of divorce available including something called ‘summary dissolution.’ Sometimes summary dissolution of a domestic partnership is the best option for everyone.
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3 Tips for Handling a Child Custody Dispute

3 Tips for Handling a Child Custody Dispute

Divorce can be very upsetting, even if your marriage was a disaster. When children are involved, stress and emotions amp up even more. You may want to focus on helping your children cope with the changes in their lives, but you also have to meet with your ex-spouse to negotiate a parenting plan. After all, the court expects it – and will not finalize your divorcee without that plan. However, you can survive handling a child custody dispute. The following three tips may help.
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What Happens if My Husband Stops Paying Spousal Suppor

What Happens if My Husband Stops Paying Spousal Support?

Joyce was relieved when her ex-husband, Martin, was ordered to pay spousal support. She had no way of maintaining anything close to the lifestyle she enjoyed during their 22-year marriage. It would take several years for her to train for a career so she could support herself. Then, suddenly, she stopped receiving checks from Martin. When your husband stops paying spousal support, where do you turn?
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Dividing Debts During Divorce Not as Easy as You Might Think

Dividing Debts During Divorce: Not as Easy as You Might Think

It’s easy to say that California is a community property state. However, the actual process of assigning property and debt is complicated, especially since people are more likely to think about dividing assets than dividing debts during a divorce. As an unhappy couple and their divorce lawyers sift through paperwork, they have to get the big picture of what the couple owes and who will pay.
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Can Cooperative Parenting Work for You

Can Cooperative Parenting Work for You?

Parenting issues are paramount when moms and dads divorce. Deciding where Sally and Johnny spend holidays and weekends can quickly become the most hotly contested issue in an already contentious situation. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you are involved in a custody battle, spend some time thinking about whether cooperative parenting can work for you, your ex-spouse and, especially, for your children.
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