Deciding to end a marriage can be a difficult decision. Depending on the circumstances, a couple may want to separate instead of moving forward with a divorce. Once they decide to separate, one or both partners may question how long they should remain apart. The answer will depend on the people involved and several other important factors. How long should my California separation last? Continue reading →
What is the 10-Year Rule in a California divorce? Spousal support (alimony) can be an important issue in a California divorce. One common misconception is that under the “10-Year Rule,” a California couple must have been married for ten years in order for a spouse to be awarded permanent or long-term alimony during a divorce. In truth, the court can consider the length of a marriage and numerous other factors when deciding spousal support. Here is more on why 10 years may matter in a California divorce. Continue reading →
Couples going through a California divorce may hear that California is a “50/50” divorce state. The term “50/50” is usually made in reference to two major areas of a divorce—Property division and child custody. Therefore, if you are involved in a case, you may be wondering, is it always 50/50 in a California divorce? Continue reading →
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