In California, unmarried couples who live together are considered to be cohabitating. If you and your partner cohabitate, you may wonder: Do unmarried couples have rights in California? The short answer is yes. However, couples who cohabitate have different legal rights than those who are married. Continue reading →
When a military couple divorces, they will contend with many of the same issues as non-military couples. As in any divorce, in California, the parties must divide their shared (community) property. However, there are unique considerations with respect to certain military benefits. Here is more on dividing military benefits in California. Continue reading →
In 1996, California became the first state to legalize medical cannabis. In 2016, the substance became legal for personal use. Since then, the industry has grown to the point that it’s not uncommon to see marijuana sold at retail dispensaries throughout the Golden State. Although marijuana use is legal in California, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is widely accepted in child custody courts. Therefore, if you have a potential or pending child custody matter with this concern, it’s important to know: Can marijuana use impact my child custody case? Continue reading →
Divorce can be incredibly stressful, especially when there is high conflict. Under these conditions, it’s not uncommon for one or both parties to strongly express how they feel about the case and each other. However, sometimes angry comments can get out of hand to the point of becoming misleading and inaccurate. Depending on what gets said, these statements may be so false and damaging as to constitute defamation. Here is more on defamation and California divorce. Continue reading →
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