When people get married, it’s often said that they are becoming one. Their lives, friends, and family are combined to form their new life. But what about their property? Does one person’s stuff automatically belong to the new spouse? Not necessarily, especially in a community property state like California. Possessions can be considered community (owned by both), separate (owned by one person), or mixed (a little of both). To make things a little more complicated, three types of separate property can exist in a California marriage. Continue reading →
Under California family law, both parents are expected to be financially responsible for their children. One parent often pays child support to the parent with a more significant custodial role. Courts base child support awards partially on the paying parent’s income. But what happens when that parent no longer has a job or other source of income? Even worse, what if spousal unemployment was not an accident? Continue reading →
On the eve of their third anniversary, Dwight and Angelo decided their domestic partnership just wasn’t working anymore. They both worried that terminating their relationship could be expensive and stressful. But they also felt it was the right thing to do and hoped to move quickly. They began to explore their options. It looked like the easiest way to dissolve their domestic partnership might be through something called summary dissolution. Continue reading →
Frasier delighted its fans during its 1993 to 2004 run. This Seattle-based show followed the antics of a radio psychiatrist and his friends and family. In addition to his father and brother, Frasier had to forge and maintain relationships with his ex-wife, Lilith, and his young son, Frederick. But Lilith and Frederick lived across the country in Boston. Their living arrangements presented some problems with child custody and visitation. While the show presented these issues in a humane yet humorous way, there are some significant lessons to take away. Continue reading →
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