How Can Temporary Orders Affect a Property Division?

How Can Temporary Orders Affect a Property Division?

Temporary orders are court-issued directives that are put in place to govern certain aspects of the divorce until a final settlement is reached. Don’t underestimate their importance – they significantly impact your immediate future and can influence the final decisions on your divorce. How do temporary orders affect a property division? CA Certified Family Law Specialist Judy L. Burger shares some vital insights.

What Are Temporary Orders?

Temporary orders can significantly impact property division during divorce proceedings. These orders may cover a wide range of issues, including child custody, spousal support, and the use of marital assets.

When a couple separates, a judge has the authority to issue temporary orders, also called “pendente lite” or “PL orders.” These orders can address any significant issues that the couple needs a court order for during the divorce proceedings. Temporary orders enable the couple to live separately and begin dividing their marital assets before the final divorce decree is issued.

Because family law cases typically progress in stages, temporary orders are issued during the intermediate steps between the start of the case and the final order. These temporary orders may become part of the final order or be included as attachments.

Temporary Property Division Orders

Temporary orders can affect the distribution of assets and debts in several ways regarding property division.

  1. Use of Marital Assets: Temporary orders may dictate how marital assets, such as the family home, vehicles, and bank accounts, will be used during the divorce process. For example, the court may decide which spouse gets to remain in the marital home or how joint bank accounts are to be managed while the divorce is pending. Consequently, it would be best to consider whether it’s a good idea to allow your spouse to have the house as part of a temporary order while you move out. This is because courts may consider the current living arrangements when making a final decision.
  2. Financial Support: Temporary orders can also address financial support during the divorce proceedings. This may include temporary spousal support or an order for one spouse to contribute to the other’s living expenses. These financial arrangements can impact the funds available for property division once the divorce is finalized.
  3. Debt Responsibility: Temporary orders may allocate responsibility for paying marital debts while the divorce is ongoing. This can affect each spouse’s financial standing and ability to take on additional debt or acquire assets during divorce.
  4. Asset Preservation: In some cases, temporary orders may include directives to preserve certain assets during the divorce proceedings. This can be particularly important for high-value assets, business interests, or investments that require protection until a final property division is determined.
  5. Impact on Final Settlement: It’s important to note that the decisions made in temporary orders can influence the final property division settlement. For example, if one spouse exclusively uses the marital home during the divorce, this may be considered when determining how other assets are divided.

Get Help with Temporary Orders in Your CA Divorce Property Division

It’s crucial for individuals going through a divorce to understand the implications of temporary orders on property division. Consulting with a highly qualified family law attorney like Judy Burger can provide clarity on how temporary orders may impact the division of assets and debts. Her experienced legal guidance can help individuals navigate the complexities of temporary orders and work towards a fair and equitable property division settlement.

Temporary orders play a significant role in shaping the property division process during a divorce. Understanding how these orders impact the use of marital assets, financial support, debt responsibility, asset preservation, and the final settlement is essential for individuals seeking a fair outcome in property division. Judy Burger can provide valuable support and guidance in navigating the complexities of temporary orders and their implications for property division.

To schedule a consultation, contact us at the nearest office in Gold River, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Beverly Hills, San Diego, Ventura, San Rafael, or Santa Barbara.

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It’s Possible to Get Temporary Orders During Your Divorce

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