
A California Court Can Give Grandparents Visitation in the Right Circumstances

Grandparent visitation
Grandparent visitation
A photo popped up on my Facebook feed recently with a caption that said, “Grandchildren are your reward for not killing your children.”  While some parents may be clinging to this hope during their kids’ teenage years, others are wondering when they will see their grandchildren after a son or daughter’s divorce. Fortunately, California law allows grandparents the right to petition the court for visitation. The general standard for a court to order grandparents’ visitation requires grandparents to show the following evidence:
  1. The grandparents must show that      there was a pre-divorce relationship between the grandparents and a grandchild      that has “engendered a bond.”  This means that there is such a bond      between grandparent and grandchild that continued grandparent visitation      is in best interest of the grandchild, and
  2. The grandparents must show that it      is in the best interest of the child to have visitation with the      grandparents, and that such best interest can be balanced with the parents’      rights to make decisions about their child.
If you are a grandparent grieving your child’s divorce and the loss of regular visitation with your grandchild, contact an experienced California family law attorney as soon as possible.  The risk is that if you wait too long, a court may find that any bond which existed before the divorce deteriorated while you rested on your rights.  Contact us today without delay. The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger can assist you in fighting for your rights as grandparents.  Judy L. Burger is known for her aggressive representation of clients in high conflict cases in and around the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento areas. If you are a grandparent with a visitation issue, call us today to learn more about how we can help. Call (415)293-8314 in the San Francisco Bay area or (916)631-1935 in the Sacramento area, or contact us online via our confidential inquiry form.