
Child Custody Matters That Warrant Ex Parte Hearings

Child Custody Matters That Warrant Ex Parte Hearings

If you need urgent legal orders to protect a child from harm, prevent personal injuries, or address other time-sensitive matters pertaining to child custody, you may need an Ex Parte Hearing. Also known as “Emergency Hearings,” these proceedings are typically requested by one party with little or no notice to the other involved parties. They are reserved for situations where imminent harm requires immediate action from the court.

The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger and her team specialize in handling the intricate paperwork and representation for ex parte hearings. Contact one of our California offices nearest you to learn more and get help with child custody matters and emergency hearings.

What Is an Ex Parte Emergency Hearing?

The term “Ex Parte” originates from Latin, meaning “from one party.” It is a request from a single party to present evidence to the court with little or no notice to other involved parties. In California, such hearings are permitted when there is an imminent threat of significant harm and immediate action is necessary to prevent it. This can include child custody matters.

The court can grant this emergency hearing and issue legal orders to protect parties from harm in extreme situations that make custody battles difficult or dangerous.

Child Custody Emergencies

​Child custody discussions between parents can become heated and even violent. If you believe there is a good chance the discussions could turn bad or you feel threatened, you can request an ex parte hearing in a CA family court. If the court finds sufficient proof for emergency orders to protect you and your child, they may grant them even if the other parent is not present. Common reasons to request an ex parte hearing include the following:

  • To Protect a Child: Ex parte emergency orders are typically granted when there are allegations of child abuse, neglect, a threat of abduction, or other similar reasons when a child would need legal protection from serious harm.
  • To Prevent Physical Harm: Ex parte orders can be granted to protect an adult from possible domestic violence or other causes of imminent and serious harm. Preventing a personal injury from a previously violent person is a justifiable cause for an ex parte emergency order of protection. This includes if one parent threatens harmful actions if a sole custody petition is filed with the court.
  • To Prevent Financial Harm: Ex parte orders can also be requested if significant financial harm is imminent, threatened, or otherwise could cause serious loss to the victims. An example would be when one party claims a spouse is willfully destroying joint-owned property, leaving the first party without a means of support.

​The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger can help you obtain ex parte orders in family court when custody matters are threatened by imminent harm or violence. You may also need a temporary restraining order to protect you and your child from an abusive or manipulative spouse/parent. When you or your child experience abuse or feel threatened, that is the time to act. Contact The Law Offices of Judy L. Burger for immediate assistance with obtaining a restraining order. We have eight offices across California to serve you.

Know When to Act

Disagreements between separated or divorcing parents can go awry for any number of reasons. Custody discussions can break down, and alarming reactions may threaten your mental and physical safety and that of your child. It is important to act swiftly and learn about the various legal means at your disposal.

If you find yourself in a situation where an ex parte hearing may be necessary, it’s crucial to seek assistance from a California Certified Family Law Specialist like Judy L. Burger. Her expertise and experience in handling such matters can provide the guidance and swift action needed to address threatening domestic circumstances through legal means. Contact us immediately to explore your options and get the help you need.