When you hear the term “prenup” or prenuptial agreement, it may conjure images of extremely wealthy or famous people. However, these legal instruments can also be helpful to people of ordinary means. Therefore, depending on your finances and relationship, having a prenuptial agreement in place before you walk down the aisle may be a good move for you and your future spouse. Here are 5 reasons to get a California Prenup:
1. To Protect Both Parties Interests
When a couple decides to get married, it can be an exciting time when both partners are focused on planning their new life together. Under these circumstances, preparing for future possibilities such as divorce may be uncomfortable. However, it may help if each person can look at developing their prenuptial agreement as a way to clarify potential issues and identify ways to protect one another. When partners are able to take this perspective, they may be able to see the process as an opportunity to strengthen their relationship and support one another’s potential well-being.
2. To Protect Your Children
When one or both future spouses have children from a prior marriage, there can be added considerations. For instance, parents in this situation usually want to ensure that their children will have financial support and stability in the event of death or divorce. Having a prenuptial agreement can help both parties identify and plan for the resources that will be in place for their children.
Another way a prenuptial agreement can be beneficial is to help the parties protect their dependent loved ones. This may involve one or both parties’ obligation to care for a parent or another adult dependent. A prenuptial agreement can help you protect assets and ensure they will be available for your loved one’s needs.
Suppose your sibling is an adult with significant intellectual disabilities, and you have funds or assets set aside to be used for their long-term care. You could designate your loved one’s care resources in a prenuptial agreement. Taking this step can help ensure your loved one’s care needs will be met with the resources you have identified.
If you own a business, it will be important to consider how your death or divorce may impact your enterprise. A prenuptial agreement can help clarify your business ownership interests and protect your entity.
When a couple decides to spend the rest of their lives together, they aren’t usually considering the possibility of divorce. While it might not be the most romantic notion, taking time to discuss what should happen if the relationship does not work out can help reduce conflict. In addition, by preparing a prenuptial agreement, you and your spouse can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that some of the more contentious issues that can come with divorce have been addressed.
Under the right circumstances, prenuptial agreements can be helpful protective devices. If you believe you may benefit from having a prenuptial agreement, you should contact an experienced California family law attorney to learn more. Your family law lawyer can help you evaluate your circumstances and options.
Contact a California Family Law Attorney
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Judy L. Burger are experienced California family law attorneys who can answer your questions about prenuptial agreements and other matters. We assist clients along California’s Northern to Southern Coast, including San Francisco, Beverly Hills, Marin, San Jose, Gold River, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Ventura/Oxnard, and surrounding communities. Call us at 415-293-8314 to schedule a private appointment or visit our website.